The Wealth of Learning

Learning Pāḷi
Online Pali Language Courses
Pali is a beautiful, ancient Indian language that preserves the teachings of the Buddha. Studying the Buddha's words can greatly support and guide our practice,
providing a wonderful source of inspiration and joy.
The courses are for those who wish to read the suttas in their original language,
and feel they can benefit from the support, structure, commitment,
feedback, and personal guidance these lessons provide.
The lessons and courses are offered as a service.
You may support Suta-Dhana by donating as an expression of dāna,
thereby enabling more Pali courses to be offered.
For detailed course description, please refer to the More Information section.
For any additional inquiries, you are welcome to contact me.

"And what, Bhikkhus, is the wealth of learning?
Here, a noble disciple has learned much,
remembers what he has learned,
and accumulates what he has learned.
Those teachings that are good in the beginning,
good in the middle, and good in the end,
with the right meaning and phrasing,
which proclaim the perfectly complete and pure spiritual life—such teachings as these he has learned much of,
retained in mind, recited verbally, mentally investigated,
and penetrated well with wisdom.
This is called the wealth of learning."
"katamañ ca, bhikkhave, suta-dhanaṃ?
idha, bhikkhave, ariya-sāvako bahu-ssuto hoti,
suta-dharo, suta-sannicayo.
ye te dhammā ādi-kalyāṇā,
majjhe-kalyāṇā, pariyosāna-kalyāṇā,
sātthaṃ, sabyañjanaṃ, kevala-paripuṇṇaṃ, parisuddhaṃ, brahma-cariyaṃ abhivadanti.
tathā-rūpā ׳ssa dhammā bahu-ssutā honti,
dhātā, vacasā paricitā, manasā׳nupekkhitā,
diṭṭhiyā suppaṭividdhā.
idaṃ vuccati, bhikkhave, suta-dhanaṃ."
AN 5.47